Wisconsin is in the midst of a recall process. Petitions have been circulated and are currently being examined to determine if the Republican Governor, Scott Walker, and several Republican state representatives will face a recall election. Today a private group, Verify the Recall, delivered recall signature eligibility reports to the Government Accountability Board (GAB). Those reports were generated from data in its on-line database built by private volunteers from the recall petitions. After accepting the reports, GAB spokesman Reid Magney did not hold out much hope that the GAB would pay much attention to the reports. I was not surprised by that news but in explaining their position Mr Magney said something rather remarkable: \”Wisconsin law is permissive in that the law has to, you can\’t just go do something just because the law doesn\’t say you can\’t do it. … People could bring things in but the law doesn\’t say we are allowed to consider that. There is no provision set up for third parties to file challenges.\” (My emphasis.) (Source: YouTube video uploaded by the MacIver Institute.)
I watched the video as I was eating a bowl of ice cream. Given what Mr Magney said, since, to my knowledge, the law does not explicitly give me permission to have a bowl of ice cream I must have been breaking the law as well as my diet. It is a sad state of affairs we have when our government officials believe that we can only do those things that the government specifically allows. And here I thought I lived in a free country.
Verify the Recall is a joint effort between the Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty and We the People of the Republic, a Tea Party group.
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